Premium Lowest Rates Properties
The Premium Lowest Rates Properties provides a new visualization for finding properties across locations (City and Country), featuring the lowest nightly rates. Easy-to-use tool for travelers in the process of booking their next accommodation, this visual allows users to quickly compare properties and rooms side-by-side. - Available Filters: Location | Check-in/Check-out | Stay Length | Budget | Property Amenities | Featured Filter.
FeaturesPremium Lowest Rates Properties
Why choosePremium Lowest Rates Properties
Launch at scale
Embeddable across all placements (core website & airTRFX).
Search Personalization
A variety of filters allowing to tailor the user's search based on Property, Stay Length, and Rate Features.
Anytime, anywhere access across all devices.
Simple and efficient way for users with the transactional mindset to explore the best night rates.
Increase Conversion
Motivates engagement and funnels users directly into the booking engine by showcasing desired stay lengths.
Provides the traveler with information and daily rate options within the upcoming months allowing them to pick the best fit dates for their trip in a simple and comprehensive way.
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