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Premium Experiences Grid

Increase ticket sales and improve the experience for your fans with a new ticket search experience that allows users to find tickets faster and more efficiently. Using multiple filters, consumers are able to search for games by date, session, ticket category, experience type, and budget. The Premium Experiences Grid uses a vibrant eye-catching design that displays all necessary information for event tickets and helps to keep them engaged during their search. - Available Filters: Dates, Sessions, Category, Experience, Arena & Budget.

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FeaturesPremium Experiences Grid

Why choosePremium Experiences Grid

Search Personalization
A variety of filters allowing to tailor the traveler's search to their needs. Available Filters: Dates, sessions, Experience, Arena & Budget.
Quick Conversion
Decrease drop-out rates by allowing purchases with fewer clicks.
Launch at scale
Embeddable across all placements (core website & airTRFX).
Compact layout
Maximizing real estate showcasing popular routes.
Anytime, anywhere access across all devices.
Engaging & Effective
Inspirational & transactional visualization.
Maximize Marketing Promotions
Ability to emphasize target regions for campaigns. Provide a more tailored experience using URL parameters.
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