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Fares Carousel + Redemption Units

Reach your loyal customers with Fares Carousel which showcases popular fares recently seen by other travelers, helping shorten the traveler’s decision-making path. An engaging and effective fares marketing visualization, that helps inspire a purchase and makes it easier for travelers to book their next trip. - Redemption Units: Miles, Points, etc.

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FeaturesFares Carousel + Redemption Units

Why chooseFares Carousel + Redemption Units

Launch at scale
Embeddable across all placements (core website & airTRFX).
Reach Loyal Customers
Encourage travelers to book with miles, points, or other redemption units.
Compact Layout
Maximizing real estate showcasing popular routes.
Quick Conversion
Shorten traveler's decision-making by offering key data for purchases.
Anytime, anywhere access across all devices.
Engaging & Effective
Inspirational & transactional visualization.
Search Personalization
A variety of filters allowing to tailor the traveler's search to their needs.
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