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Fare Refresher for Vacation Packages

The Fare Refresher for Vacation Packages enables an automatic refresh of package prices for a specific route list that helps to ensure price availability. This can also be scheduled for a specific period of time to refresh a subset of destinations in order to update fares as a promotion is ongoing. For each set of route(s) the refresh can be run continuously or for a set of date(s), and the application runs at a designated time. Multiple configurations exist for the currency(ies) and trip duration. The Fare Refresher ensures that promoted packages will have prices to display, even for low-searched destinations

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Vacation Packages
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FeaturesFare Refresher for Vacation Packages

Why chooseFare Refresher for Vacation Packages

Data completeness
Fare updates
Coming Soon:EveryMundo is working on an extensive Fare Refresher UI that will make configuration simpler and more intuitive.

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